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"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers,
for thereby, some have entertained angels unaware." (Hebrews 13:2)".

Most people think that Angels are strickly a Christian belief. This is a false assumption. Angels have been with us sense the begining of time. Belief in angels date back to pagan times. To the Buddhist, angels were called "Devas", beings of light. The Japanese have tells of the "Tennin", euphonious female angels who fly with wings and play musical instruments. The Hindus called angels "Asuras". The Araibians called angels "Shaitan" and "Jinn", and the Lakota Sue Indians had their "Thunderbirds".

In the ancient pagan myths of Greece and Rome, the Gods and Goddesses sent angelic-like beings to earth as messengers to humans. The goddess of the rainbow, Isis, is one such messenger. The winged Cupid is a messenger of love and Hermes is a divine messenger with wings on his feet. The greek Genius and Juno existed long before the christian gaurdian angel. Each gaurdian angel could be a gaurdian of an individual, a family, or even a city. Every male child was born with his own Genius, and every female born with her own Juno. The Genius and Juno watched over the person throughout that persons life. In later times however, Pagan Gods were demoted to fairies and Pagan angels to demons.

"We are all angels with one wing
and only together can we fly."



Angelin97's But What Are Angels

Angelin97's Heirarchy of Angels

Angelin97's Heirarchy of Angels ("continue")

Angelin97's Heavens Angels "A to Z"

Angelin97's Know your Graudian Angel


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Linda Lane
20 Lock Seven Ln.
Carthage, TN 37030
United States

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