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I'm Linda

On August 2. 1997 we lost our son Billy to a terrible auto accident.
Billy was trying to get his brother and some friends home safely,
from his Birthday party but the boy driving the other car would not turn over
the keys so Billy rode along to see them safely home.
That was the night my world Ended...and will never be the same....

The worst part of life is death...but not of yourself;
the death of another that you love dearly.
Below you will find many pages with angel art, poems, and information about angels.
I've found alot of comfort in angels and the thought that they are with us,
and help guide and protect us in our time of need.
I hope you will like these angels and poems as much as I do.
Thank you for visiting my pages and please sign my guestbook
and tell me where you are from and what you thought about your visit.

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Go ahead and mention my child
The one that died,
you know
Don't worry about hurting me further
The depth of my pain doesn't show.

Don't worry about making me cry
I'm already crying inside
Help me to heal by releasing
The tears that I try to hide.

I'm hurt when you just keep silent
Pretending it doesn't exist
I'd rather you'd mention my child
Knowing that he has been missed.
You asked me how I'm doing I say
"pretty good"
But healing is something on-going
I feel it will take a lifetime.

...... Elizabeth Dent ......

The Poems of Danny Lane jr. are protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States of America
Copyright © 1998 ;99-Danny Lane jr. All Rights Reserved
It is unlawful to remove or use in anyway the poems on this web page without written permission.

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Just when I thought we would cry alone the angels felt our pain, and to the ground from heaven fell teardrops disguised as rain.
With two claps of thunder the opening gates let another angel in, and the angels blessed this cherished soul and the sun came out again.
Even as I cry for you I know I'll be okay, for I'll walk with you in my heart each and everyday.
Danny Lane jr.


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[My Son's Page] [My Grandson's Page] [MY Granddaughter'S Page]

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Close your eyes, my sweet son...
for an Angel cradles your gentle spirit,
this night...

Listen closely, my son, my life...
for an Angel whispers to your heart
of heavenly promise as we part...

Lie gently, my love, my sweet son...
for an Angel bears your sorrows
upon gossamer wings in flight...

Close your eyes, sweet son tonight...
for an Angel takes you to a new beginnings,
and an ethereal light...

Speak softly, my son, my love...
for an Angel listens to the hopes you left behind...

Touch our dreams, my love, my son, my life...
for an Angel you have become this night...

my love eternal......

Linda Lane

20 Lock Seven Ln.
Carthage, Tn. 37030
United States

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Thank You
Linda Lane

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